
Paris Roubaix Femmes avec Zwift: The reactions

Written by: Niels Goudriaan
Posted 4 months ago

World Champion Lotte Kopecky crowned herself queen of the Hell of the North after a stunning and exciting finale. It was a goal for the Belgian rider and all eyes were on the woman who also had the most to lose before the race. It is also the first time that SD Worx – Protime won the race.  When the dust has cleared we had a change to talk to some riders in the hectic finish area. Although we didn’t get the chance to talk to everyone, we tried to give you an idea of the hardness of the race and the experiences from the riders.

Lotte Kopecky

“This is one of my very best victories” said the World Champion.  “This was a win we had been chasing for a long time with Team SD Worx-Protime. To finally succeed and in such a beautiful way, as world champion on the Roubaix track, is wonderful.”

“Paris-Roubaix was THE goal of the season. The team had a lot of confidence in me last week. My teammates tried to make me laugh all the time to keep the atmosphere nice and relaxed. That certainly did me good. After the Tour of Flanders I wondered why I didn’t feel so fit. It’s in your head. Everyone around me always stressed that I had to keep faith in my own qualities.”

“In the race, the team worked fantastically for me. I had to waste little strength and was always in a perfect position to tackle the cobbled sections. Lorena Wiebes in the second group was maybe the key to the win for me. She was just off with the first group, but just her presence with the chasers was worth gold to me.”

“When turning onto the course I am always nervous. With two fast sprinters Marianne Vos and Elisa Balsamo in the leading group, it was not a certainty that I could win the sprint. It was very difficult to get into good position. In all the jostling on the track, I was passed from below and above. They started the sprint very early. Probably they were a little less and therefore lacked explosiveness. I was fortunately able to keep sprinting until the line. I still had enough power in my legs for such a long sprint and am happy to add Paris-Roubaix to my palmares. This cobblestone gets a special place at home.”

Pfeiffer Georgi

After a remarkable race, British Champion Pfeiffer Georgi reflects on their comeback, stating, “Yeah, me and Franzi had a little crash before.” Despite setbacks, they pushed through, :’’ I got dropped on the cobbles from the front group and then I was just trying to keep my pace and close it.” “I think you just need to keep fighting.” Expressing joy over their podium finish, they remark, “Yeah, I’m really, really happy to get on the podium. It feels like a win to me.”

“I think I was, yeah, nervous because you don’t get in these opportunities where you can win Roubaix often.”

Franziska Koch

Teammate of Georgi, Franzi Koch reacts on the question how intense the race was: ‘’Eleven of ten.” Says the German rider with a big smile. However, they quickly highlight its greatness, stating, “No, it’s a really great race.”, She noted he importance of positioning, saying, “You want to be first on a couple sections.” Despite the expected crosswinds not materializing, they commend their team’s control and presence at the front, stating, “We were always in control. All six were in the front.” Regarding the plan for her teammate Pfeiffer: “Pfeiffer was our main card as the main leader. So, yeah, we wanted her to be there in the end for the final.”. The German rider didn’t look too tired after the race: “I think it will kick in in the afternoon. I think also the coffee helps and of course the happiness for Pfeiffer.”

Marianne Vos

Vos missed out on the podium finishing fourth in the prestigious race: “Well, of course, it’s nice to be there up in the final and to fight for the victory. And then the fourth place is a little disappointing, I have to admit. But, yeah, I’m also proud about the race and how we race as a team. So in the end, tomorrow I will look back with a bigger smile than today, probably.” Despite her disappointment, she acknowledges the strength of her competitors: “I think in the end, it’s just everybody just tries to do the best sprinting they have.” Despite finishing next to the podium she is realizing the greatness of the race. “one of the most beautiful races out there.”


Marta Lach

Marta describing Paris Roubaix Femmes avec Zwift as “crazy hard” and recounting the intense competition to enter the first sector. Despite her efforts, she experienced cramps but pushed through, acknowledging the challenge but expressing determination, saying, “I was fighting with them and telling myself that I don’t have the pain.” Despite not achieving the same result as last year, she finds solace in her improvement and resilience, stating, “I can see that I’m improving a lot… now I’m not so much scared about velodrome. I think we are all the winners… we finished this. My legs are, like, exploding, what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.’’


Nina Kessler

“It’s just the hell of the north. It’s not that hard.” She laughs hard: ‘’No, this is so hard, and I didn’t have the best legs today and this is a race that you need good legs. It wasn’t for me today. “And it’s always cool to finish, I have to say.”Well, you know, in the beginning I didn’t feel well… it was just not my best day and just go on to the next one.”

Next up: Amstel Gold Race Ladies Edition.

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